Shabaka Bilash Arrkkachuuf Bareefama Gama dhumaa iiraa Arkkataan

”Bara 2070’tti Itiyoophiyaanonni balbala siidaa Aksumin gara ‘tinsaayee’tti ce’uu danda’u”~~~~~~~~~~~Mootii Aksumaayiraamisiin (bara 889 – 869) kaaba Itiyoophiyaatti akka hundoofte kan himamtu mootummaa Aksum (yeroo ammaa magaalaa Aksum kan jedhamtu) keessatti siidaan suuraa irratti argitan kun jaarraa 3ffaa – 4ffaa akka . ijaaramee dubbatu.Siidaan kun akka isaan baay’een jedhanitti gaara hanga gadiitti iccitiidhaan guutamaadha. Garuu hanga…

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person wearing green Nike sneakers jumping on water

Fierce shoe: the idea was to design good shoes for his son and they already invoice six million euros

So normal is the Zapato Feroz project that the first time they applied to Lanzadera they were not admitted. Today they do not stop receiving warnings about the risk of dying of success but they know that this will not happen to them. They have everything under control. It has a fairytale name, Fierce Shoe , and the thing…

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